if you happen to have too much time to kill. you've gotta try this, play online DDR. though the songs are not familiar, but still i'm addicted to it.
if in real DDR you use your feet, but here it's your finger that does all the work. so you can say it's an easier version of DDR, a finger DDR.
my fave song is Jump In, it's in rock category
try it, try it.....
17 March 2008
shelter busway
ok, setelah mungkin 4 jam muter2 di ambassador. kaos, dapet. kemeja, dapet. dvd, dapet. gelang batu, dapet. makan, udah. everybody's happy... time to go home. naek busway aja, biar gak macet. dari ambas ke shelternya tadinya mo naek angkot, tapi semua angkutan gak ada yg lewat shelter, pada masuk ke terowongan. kirain dari ambas ke terowongan gak jauh2 amat, yasud mending jalan aja sekalian mpe shelter. ternyata lumayan jauh, tau gitu naek angkot, turun sebelon terowongan, baru deh jalan ke shelter.
naah, pas mo ke ambas itu kan turunnya di shelter depkes. keliatannya setelah depkes ada shelter lagi ga jauh2 amat. pas pulang, dengan penuh percaya diri bilang ke Dina:
"Din, ke shelter yg setelah depkes aja, kayanya lebih deket deh"
Yasudlah jalanlah kita ke shelter itu. makin deket, Ina mulai sadar ada yg aneh dengan shelter yg qt tuju. "Tih, itu bukan shelter busway, liat deh, cuman jembatan penyebrangan biasa, gak ada box buat nunggu buswaynya"....yak, another when-stupidity-takes-control experience. OMG, mana dah cape 4jam muter2 di ambas. balik lagi dah ke depkes. oo...my poor feet
naah, pas mo ke ambas itu kan turunnya di shelter depkes. keliatannya setelah depkes ada shelter lagi ga jauh2 amat. pas pulang, dengan penuh percaya diri bilang ke Dina:
"Din, ke shelter yg setelah depkes aja, kayanya lebih deket deh"
Yasudlah jalanlah kita ke shelter itu. makin deket, Ina mulai sadar ada yg aneh dengan shelter yg qt tuju. "Tih, itu bukan shelter busway, liat deh, cuman jembatan penyebrangan biasa, gak ada box buat nunggu buswaynya"....yak, another when-stupidity-takes-control experience. OMG, mana dah cape 4jam muter2 di ambas. balik lagi dah ke depkes. oo...my poor feet
i want it back
handsfree hp dah lumayan lama ilang, jadi gak bisa denger radio dari hp deh. padahal dulu tiap pagi seru banget ngedengerin Putus-nya daging-desta di prambors. duet maut dua orang gila itu. "di putus, ayo maen yang baguuus..... ayo maen yang bagus"
pas wiken kemaren maen2 ke ambassador, yasud sekalian deh nyari di sana. ke counter sony ericsson, ternyata dooonk..... harganya 200 rebu, wuih mahal juga huhuhuhu.... mo ditawar juga gak mungkin nyampe di bawah 100. kemana yaak ilangnya handsfree ku dulu, mengingat harganya, i want my old handsfree back. i don't think it will cost that much :(
pas wiken kemaren maen2 ke ambassador, yasud sekalian deh nyari di sana. ke counter sony ericsson, ternyata dooonk..... harganya 200 rebu, wuih mahal juga huhuhuhu.... mo ditawar juga gak mungkin nyampe di bawah 100. kemana yaak ilangnya handsfree ku dulu, mengingat harganya, i want my old handsfree back. i don't think it will cost that much :(
me and breakfast
yes, i belong to that group of persons who thinks that people should have a quality breakfast yet only small portion of dinner. well, actually i wasn't very concern about meal until lately people starting to realize that i have gain weight (in my defense it wasn't a significant weight gain though, but since all the weight gain seems to be shown at my cheek, it became more obvious to people).
well, this weekend i decided to stay in jakarta. wake up on saturday morning, try (hard) to go to bed again, but somehow i couldn't. so i came up with a extra-super-brilliant idea, having breakfast. lets see, umm....for appetizer, maybe 2 pieces of chocolatos will do. and then the main course, half portion of fried rice with sausage. then i had a pleasant surprise, someone knocked at my door, it came up to be Ina bringing me toasted bread, yaay.... so there it goes a quality breakfast, ended with toasted bread and energen cereal as dessert, and just another piece of chocolatos.perfect..

looking nice aren't they?yummie....
well i guess my definition of quality breakfast is more like a quantity breakfast huehehehe....
-i heart breakfast
well, this weekend i decided to stay in jakarta. wake up on saturday morning, try (hard) to go to bed again, but somehow i couldn't. so i came up with a extra-super-brilliant idea, having breakfast. lets see, umm....for appetizer, maybe 2 pieces of chocolatos will do. and then the main course, half portion of fried rice with sausage. then i had a pleasant surprise, someone knocked at my door, it came up to be Ina bringing me toasted bread, yaay.... so there it goes a quality breakfast, ended with toasted bread and energen cereal as dessert, and just another piece of chocolatos.perfect..
looking nice aren't they?yummie....
well i guess my definition of quality breakfast is more like a quantity breakfast huehehehe....
-i heart breakfast
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